Philippine National Railways Diesel Listing!!!!

#         Model        Build #       Entered service      Status
901-905   U15C   39238-42        10/73                 In service
906-915   U14C   41848-57        1979                  In Service
1001-1010 U12C   32454-63        1956                  Withdrawn
2001-20   UM12C  32434-53        1956                  Withdrawn
2501-13   U10B   35674-86        1965-66               "Couple of
2514-23   U10B   40742-51        1976                    U10B's  
2524-33   U10B   40901-10        1976                     Left"
2534-43   U10B   41838-47        1979
3001-10   U6B    33899-908       12/60                 Withdrawn
4001-10   U5B    32424-33        1955  ex Manila RR    Withdrawn
3001-10                                                Unknown
5001-10   U6B    ???????         4-5/92                In Service
                                              built by GE Montreal 

  Any comments/additions are greatly welcome!

  If anyone can help with steam fleetlists or those of the sugar cane
operations, please let me know.   

~~GREAT THANKS~~ Goes to Ken Ardinger for help with the above list!                                     

Can You Help????
Looking foward to hearing from you!!
Steam, Diesel, Sugar Cane Fleet Lists.

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